Publicado el May 15, 2021

A couple of months ago, my cousin ask Alexa to say Guanacastecan Bombas or Costa Rican Bombas, and Alexa didn't know what it was. So, I...

alexa skillbombasCosta RicaGuanacaste

Publicado el March 18, 2021

I prefer dark theme over light theme in apps/web pages. So, I decided it was time for my blog to also have a dark theme.

blogdark themecsstailwind css

Publicado el December 9, 2020

My sister and her husband read to my niece a book about famous scientific women in history. One day they read about Grace Hopper and her...

Grace Hopperciencias de la computaciónlenguajes de programaciónCOBOL

Publicado el November 23, 2020

At the beginning of the year, a couple of friends told me about Svelte and D3.js libraries. I decided to try them out creating a generator...

websvelted3.jsv1.0Curriculum Maputility

Publicado el October 18, 2020

I created an app to help with 2 simple common problems: extract text from a picture and change a text to lower case or upper case.


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